The bombs have been dropped. The smoke has all cleared. Everyone is still alive each feeling their own emotions. What a relief. Can this all be over now? I wave my white flag. Truce. I shake your hand and smile. You were happy and I am happy now. No one wins in the end, but I do feel a little better now. Scars will stay because they are deserved and I'm sorry if the shoe doesn't fit as well on the other foot. The bitterness is gone from my mouth and all I taste is the sweet remnants of cherry chapstick. I walk a little taller, smile a little brighter, and can laugh again at life. Let bygones be bygones and move on knowing everyone each got what they deserved. I hate this part. You were once my best friend. I'm letting go now....moving on to what makes me happy again. You stay on your side of town and I'll make a new home over here. Keep your head up, someday this will all be a good story. Fight through your pain like I've fought through mine. I'm still rooting for you even though you're on the other team. Go on, do big things, thank me later for the fire I just built in your belly because I'm thanking you now for the one in mine. This will all be over soon. Close your eyes really really hard, get mad, and grit your teeth a little.....those lights you still see, well, that's ME. I made it through the darkness, I know you can too.
This is good Linds!!!
ReplyDeleteYay! Linds makes me sad and happy to read this, life has so much in store for you. You go girl and we will all be their watching. Sending lots of love your way.
ReplyDeleteWow! You write some powerful words . . . but so true. Keep striving and believing and you will be way ahead of the game. Hug your little girl and keep the faith!
ReplyDeleteFocus, determination and desire are attributes of many excellent athletes, but without fortitude few achieve the greatness laid out before them. It is the strength of mind that enables a person to bear pain or handle adversity with courage....you young lady are strength personified! Lindsay, take no prisoner's and grab that greatness that awaits you!